Friday, March 13, 2015



Spring has finally sprung.  It's been a long, cold, wet winter for us at the beach.  I will say others along the east coast haven't had it much better.  I'll take cold and damp over snow and ice any day.  The golf course is slowly waking up from its' winter nap.  Trees are beginning to push out new growth, bulbs are popping out of the ground, and our warm season turf grasses that have lain dormant over the past few months are yawning and stretching, and getting ready to join the others at the breakfast table.  The golf course is in great shape for our spring golf season.  There are a few low lying areas that still need some time to dry out, but overall things are looking and playing great.  The putting surfaces are extremely healthy coming out of the winter, thanks in large part to the use of covers during the coldest of periods.  Heights of cut have been lowered to in-season form and cultural practices such as grooming, verticutting, and light topdressing will again be a normal occurrence.  Our team is looking forward to sunny, warmer weather, as I am sure everyone is.